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IIEA Membership for Three Years (2023-2026)

IIEA Membership for Three Years (2023-2026)


International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA) is a private, non-profit, and non-political association of scholars interested in the study of economic issues concerning Iran. The objectives of the IIEA are: Promotion of high standard economic scholarship and research on Iran’s economy, Promotion of cooperation among persons and organizations committed to the objectives of IIEA, Facilitation of communication among scholars through its webpage, meetings and publications, and Promotion of better understanding of Iran’s economic policy challenges and opportunities.

Membership Fee

  • Regular (members resident of countries outside of Iran): £ 50 

  • Students (regardless of their place of residence): Complimentary (no fee) 

  • All members currently residing in Iran: Complimentary (no fee)  

Please complete the Membership Form here: https://forms.office.com/e/0DLieNg09K

*Please note dues paid cover membership for the period Nov 2023-Dec 2026.

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