| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereVisiting Bench FeeDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read More DescriptionThe title of ‘Visiting Scholar’ is granted by the School to a recognised scholar from a university outside the UK, who is known to the recommending Department or Centre, and who wishes to spend a period of time at the School for a stated period of no more than 12 months in the first instance. Further information on how to apply Fee The bench is payable ONLY when the appointment has been approved by the School and the official invitation letter has been received by the visitor. The bench fee is payable two weeks before your arrival. Failure to pay in advance may result in library access not being available at the time of your induction. Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read MoreDescriptionThe privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: - Membership of the SOAS Library.
- SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
- Use of the Staff Common Room.
- Attendance at public lectures and seminars.
Bench Fee | Total cost (including VAT) | Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period) | 2,640 | Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period) | 1,584 | Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period) | 792 | One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done) | 264 | Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay) | | Read More |