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Visiting Scholar Bench Fee for School of Finance & Management

Visiting Scholar Bench Fee for School of Finance & Management


The privileges of a Visiting Scholar include: 

  • Membership of the SOAS Library.
  • SOAS login, email account and staff web page.
  • Use of the Staff Common Room.
  • Attendance at public lectures and seminars.

Bench Fee

Total cost (including VAT)

Full year bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 12 month period)


Half bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 6 month period)


Three month bench fee (Visiting Scholar for a 3 month period)


One month bench fee (This is the minimum duration for which a payment can be done)


Open Amount (Please enter the amount you would like to pay)


Full Year


Half Year


Three Mths


One Mth


Open Amt

Amount (£)